Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Worthlessness to the max!!

I am having one of those day's.... one of those day's where I feel like a fool. I am sitting here at my desk remembering all those embarrasing moments in my life where I just felt low.. I am remembering all those times where people thought they were better than me, or made me feel worthless. Soo now all I can do is think about how I want to just show them, show them alllllllll!!!!!!!
ahhhhhhhhH KINFO I am soo mad.......... I want to achieve it all. I want to have everything I ever wanted... but I am lazy heheheh...I also think we need a project relief meeting. How about a La Madelaine meeting on Friday with a Barnes and Nobles addeedoodaa afterwards. I'll come to your place??? let me know kin to da fo!!!!!!!
Do you feel worthless. share your thoughts... how do we become successful???

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Bloominggirl said...
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