Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jason Mraz

I'm about to get on a 3.5hour road trip to see Jason Mraz and I'm psyched!!! So happy...Not only is he amazingly talented, he's also hot! aha! so happy! I probably shouldn't be going on freaking road trip 2 weeks before the finals but who cares..I love him!
UPDATE: The show was awesome! he is so humble and down to earth he was in line before the show jugling and doing "majic" tricks, dancing with people..twirling girls around...signing autographs just being plain goofy...bushwala opened for him... Justinkredible was there too it wasn't as good as his show at tech..but definitely worth the 7hrs(to and from) on the road....


MariyaWrites said...

I LOVE Jason Mraz. You could just tell he's like the nicest guy ever. All his songs are sincere and unpretentious and his voice makes me hot and bothered!

Bloominggirl said...

His voice makes ME hot and bothered!!! Can a person be hot and bothered and soothed at the same time??? He is SOOO hot! It's unbelievable how nice he is...unpretentious..just a regular old joe..LOVE HIM!